I staggered out of bed Sunday morning. I knew I had a long way to go. In the 2.5 days I had been in Hungary I had spent as much as 8 days in Ukraine. It was time for me to get back! I had about 700km to cover. I said my good byes to everyone and headed out. Passing just through Budapest I took the northern highway across Hungary headed east. I drove and drove stopping as little as possible. Then I noticed I had no more turn signals.... Well I stopped to get gas and briefly looked at it but could figure nothing out so I kept going.
About 550km later I got to the Ukraine border. Coming back into Ukraine was simple and easy. Nobody cared if you were smuggling something in there was no need to check every piece of baggage. So I had 150km to go in Ukraine the road conditions were bound to get worse..
Along the way I found this cool church!
My goal was Syniver Lake in the Carpathians.
The road to get there had great scenery!
I found the entrance to the lake. I had to pay a fee to get in and I was told I couldnt camp there.... Well It was about 8:00 pm or so. I decided I would find a camping spot nearby and see the lake in the morning. I asked the guards if they knew of a place and they said any place along the river that runs by the road is fine. I asked if it was safe. Ahhhh Normalna we have a lot of tourist here its no problem nobody will bother you.
I had seen this green spot on my way there so I went back to it
The only way to get there though was across this walking bridge that was about 1 meter wide....
After checking it out it seemed doable. I hesitantly crossed the bridge and drove up to the picnic tables in the back ground. Set up my tent and started to work on the bike. I had heard a strange noise. Found the belt guard loose so tightened it up. Then started to work on the turn signal issue. Found a resistor I had installed had burned up. So I jumped around the resistor and the turn signals worked again, they blinked incredibly fast but worked.
As I was dong this these 2 boys came up to talk to me. Their Russian was as limited as mine but we had a grand conversation. I let them sit on the bike take photos start it up and rev the motor. They were as happy as could be.
I went to sleep but about 4 in the morning I was woken up by a car. I was looking out my tent and these guys in a big Soviet 4x4 came across the river and went into the mountains behind me. It took me a while to figure out what was going on but once I saw there were not interested in me I went back to sleep.
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