Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Dieppe and Juno Beach

Finally morning came and the wind was still blowing. I felt better but thought to just go pay for another day and lay in the tent all day. When I got out I realized how warm it was but just windy. I decided to keep going. It was a struggle to get the tent folded up in that wind but I made it and left.

First stop Dieppe, France. In August of 1942 the Allies, mostly Canadians, tried to make a raid here that ended in disaster. Of the 6000 men who went only 2000 returned to England.

It was a beautiful town with an amazing beach and cliffs.

After that I headed towards Juno Beach where again on D-Day the Canadians landed successfully. 
First this view of a village

Very nice museum but not much space for standing. I suppose on a normal day it would be fine but since this is the anniversary time there were a lot of people. 

There were some bunkers again and the sea was a beautiful blueish green.

There was a guy from Germany on a WLA42 and his buddy on a Sportster that was about the damnedest thing I have ever seen. I think he stacked 2 tanks on top of each other for longer fuel range????

After that I found a place to camp!!! The wind is still blowing so I tied the tent down extra good.

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