Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Stelvio Pass!

We headed out with no real goal in mind other than get 200 miles away and close to Austria.

I found what I thought was some smaller roads to take.

We started in a valley then started ascending. I could tell there would be one mountain pass so all was well. We were rather early the sun was out and temperature perfect with not much traffic!

The further we went the crazier the road got! There were some tunnels that werent wide enough for 2 cars to pass and they were on blind corners, things were getting interesting!!!!

Towards the top I stopped for a photo

As I took these photos I thought wait a minute I think I know what this is. I think this is Stelvio Pass!!!! Then I saw this sign to confirm my theory

We made it to the top and I told my dad what this was and how legendary this mountain pass is. He agreed it should be but since he is in a car and some of the road was rather narrow his reasons were different than mine.

The view down the other side.

I saw these 2 Ferrari's coming up the road!!!!

They got around a hair pin turn and came to a stop because a bus was coming the other way. A biker was a bit behind them came around the turn and had to stop suddenly. He stopped but off balance and tipped over. After some help to get the bike upright all was well.

The Ferrari's passed us

As I walked back to my bike a bunch of guys were gathered around. Of course my USA license plate was part of the discussion. We all talked for a while and had a good time. some were from Boston some Austria Italy and all over.

They all agreed I had a Road Warrior. THis is about the millionth time I have heard this so I am starting to believe its true! I dont know what Yamaha sold you guys but consensus is I have the true Road Warrior.

We headed down the pass after meeting and talking with everyone

Some pics I took because I got to far ahead so I was waiting for pops to catch up.

Finally he did

We got to the bottom in one piece found gas and food. This was our celebratory pizza!

After it was said and done this pass is up there as one of my favorite roads. I think it even surpasses the Transfargassen. I say that speaking from motorcycleing. The road surface is much better on the Stelvio though I do give Transfargassen the shear beauty you see when at the top the secenery is second to none. I do say the Lysebotn Road in Norway is still by far the best I have been on I dont think there is a close second I have ridden. There is another one in Norway the Trollingston, I think it called, is pretty close with Stelvio

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