The next day I was looking for a hotel in Frankfurt so I could stay there to meet my dad the next day. Well that didn't work out the cheapest I could find was 150 Euro a night. So I went up the Rhine and found a campsite and figured this would work.
Some of the things on the Rhine
I ate a great pork chop at a restaurant with a beer while enjoying watching the boats go by on the Rhine.
That night I went to bed prepared to wake up to head the 50 km back to Frankfurt to meet my dad the next day. It was scheduled to rain that night and the next morning so I wasn't looking forward to it.
I was woken up in the middle of the night by rain and my phone. My sister called saying due to the Hurricane in Houston my dad wouldn't make it on time... He would be the day after at 6:00 am...
I decided I needed to move closer to Frankfurt I didn't want to wake up at 3:30 to make it to the airport
I drove around in periodic rain most the day trying to find anything decent priced
Here was a castle I saw
Found the campground in Frankfurt paid way to much since it was in the city.
Woke up early and met my dad at the airport. We got his car arranged and went back to the campground and took a nap. we just walked around most of the day trying to keep him awake.
We followed the Rhine again towards Luxembourg.
Here is his car, a Ford Fiesta, BRAND NEW less than 1000 miles!!!
We wanted to see a museum for the Battle of the Bulge. We were heading down the Autobahn and my steering all of a sudden felt funny.
Pulled over and found a flat rear tire... Upon further inspection the valve stem was bad. It had a crack on the base that the faster I went the valve stem bent enough to let the air out.
We used electric tape to tape it up put air in the tire and headed down the road looking for a tire place
Found a place open, thankfully, and asked if they could put a new stem in it. The old man running it didn't seem to happy about it but a younger guy said he would help if we brought the tire.
Its so much easier changing the tire with 2 people. We took the ammo cans off and turned one on the side and the two of us lifted the back end up and put it on the ammo box. It wasn't easy but what the hell can you do.
The young kid broke the bead and put a stem in it and aired it up. I told him thanks he was my hero and gave him 10 euro for beer, I hope that was enough.
We installed it and was off!
We stopped at a subway for a late lunch and decided we wont make the museum. So we bought some food to cook for dinner and continued on to the campground
We made the campground and set the tent up.
Cooked dinner and I played in the river with my sleeping mat trying to find where it was leaking. Finally found it and wouldn't you know it.... It was leaking at the stem where you put air in...
Tried to patch the mattress we will see how it holds...
It was a damn interesting day for my father and his first full day in Europe!
And the road continues!!!!
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