They had a little field camp set up filled with all kinds of period correct cars and equipment.
There were tons of Jeeps there
This is more my style! A convertible Semi Truck!!!
I thought I had got a cold from walking around in the rain at Dieppe but after one day I had felt better. In the mornings I would wake up feeling congested but that went away and I was fine.
I woke up about 5am and my left ear hurt like I was being stabbed with an ice pick in the ear. Finally about 9 I got up, but my ear I couldnt do much it was just unbearable. I walked to the pharmacy and they hooked my up with some ear drops. I went back to bed a while got up in the afternoon still felt bad but went to a tank museum.
They also had some motorcycles to!
The Dragon Wagon!
An R75 I believe
I went back into town but still felt rather bad. I went to my camp and laid down and took some more ear drops. Then got up and went back into town.
This is the church in St. Marie Eglise where the the para trooper was stuck on the top for some time. They have stained glass windows dedicated to the troops.
After that I was back to bed. It was still early but I was feeling horrible so figured sleep would be best.
Woke up the next day still feeling bad. My one ear didnt hurt so much but both ears felt like I had been on a airplance and would adjust.
I did some laundry
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