Saturday, October 22, 2016

Cross Egypt Challenge Part 1

I arrived in Cairo with no problems. There was a guy waiting for me and took me through the airport. We waited about 20 minutes for two more riders that were arriving from Vienna. While waiting I asked the guy a couple of time if he had on his list to meet Olga when she came in about 2 hours. He said yes yes he would take care of it. I wanted to stay and wait but he insisted I go they had the taxi's arranged so it was best for me to go.

So I went to my hotel and checked in. Immediately I got a message from Olga saying nobody meet her and she was waiting on the street not knowing what to do. I made some phone calls and finally talked to one guy named Omar and he was able to get the situation straightened out. Olga made it to the hotel and then we went to the pyramids for the light and laser show.

The next morning was a bus ride to Alexandria. It was pretty uneventful we were late of course to Alexandria so everyone was waiting for us there.

First things first was a meeting that had wayyyyy to much info and took way to long :)

After the meeting a few of us got together and went to see the sights quickly in Alexandria. 

This was the sun setting that evening.

We ended the night eating street food and drinking beer!

We even found my bar!

First thing in the morning we went to pick up our scooters.

Here he is in all of his glory! 150cc of pure excitement! lucky number 13, soon to be named The Black Rhino!

The start of it all 

We had a short blast of a few kilometers to get to a bug shopping center where we would get fuel for the first time and wait for a few more bikes.... On the ride to the shopping center we went around a sweeping bend that had a slick spot in the middle of it. I felt the rear end slip out from under me but luckily grabbed again before it got bad.

All total I believe there were around 50 of us taking part in the challenge plus another 300 or so folks that would accompany us to Cairo.

Our first stop in the road to get fuel

Olga and I along with a few of the ladies from one of the local scooter clubs.

Our lunch break and fuel stop

We made it uneventfully to Cairo to the Hilton. We all got checked in and a few of us went swimming. I am told I missed an amazing belly dance, that nobody informed me was happening (still upset about that).

The next day we headed south

We started to get into areas that looked like desert anyways.

This is our fuel truck that we would become intimately familiar with over the next 10 days, having to stop every 100km for fuel.

At this point in the whole thing I felt great. There was still feeling in my ass and the scooter had POWER!!! I could get up to a whopping 100km/hr, about 60mph.

More stops showing off my bike-urious t shirt!

That evening we stopped in a town called El Minya to meet the Governor.

Of course security was there to control the crowd of people.

We went to our hotel after this. There was some kind of huge argument about where we could park our scooters. We all set in an alley for probably 30 minutes while all kinds of negotiating took place and tons of phone calls were made. Finally something was worked out and we were allowed to park with nobody being shot or injured... 

The first few days have been interesting to say the least!

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