Monday, October 10, 2016

England Part 2

Later in the evening I met up with a friend for a few beers. It was good to catch up. I stayed in a hostel there were 12 of us in one room that had triple bunk beds. Of course I had the top. About 6:00 in the morning someones alarm started going off. All of us but 3 woke up and nobody knew who's alarm it was. So after 10 minutes I tried to get out of bed and fell the three levels to the ground and busted my ass.... 

So after embarrassing myself I headed out for a bit. I went to the London Transport Museum.

It was very expensive! Honestly kind of disappointing to

This was one of the coolest parts. An original steam locomotive for the underground. To keep the tunnels clear to be able to see they converted the steam back into water.

There was some old buses also

After the museum I had lunch and just walked around some more.

Then I hopped a train south to a town called Whitstable to visit Tom an old motorcycle friend.

Tom and I went bar hopping that evening before checking in for the night.

The next day we walked around in the daylight

We found that someone had set up shop in my cottage!

Here are is the dock

From there I went back to London then got another train to Hertford. I went there to visit a friend I met at Lemans a year ago. It was his 60 birthday. Of course I didnt get any photos with all the drinking going on I was plenty busy.

The day after the party I went back to London then jumped on my plane back to Kiev. London was great but way to expensive. In 4 days I spent what I would spend a few months in Ukraine....

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